Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hello to our audience of family & friends!

Big shout out to Mel-B for handing over the reigns of her wonderful New York blog.  Kate, Tim & Bek are now in the drivers seat, so we apologize in advance for a decline in quality or subject matter.  Please note the change of blog name.  Previously "Wanders from West 50th", we are now "Mulberry Tarts" as our new digs are in prime Little Italy country on Mulberry St.  Cheers Katter for the name suggestion!

Thanks to everyone for all your emails and facebook messages of support. To keep you all posted about our adventures in the Big Apple, we thought it would be fun to maintain a blog with the details of what we are up to and what we have accomplished.  We will try to create an entry per week for our 3-month stint, which will hopefully turn into permanent residency if/ when we find jobs.

Checkout our next blogs for a quick wrap up of our first two weeks.