Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A bittersweet last day at work

Oh how the time has flown.

While I'm very excited to get home to my loved ones, apartment and job. I'm also sad to be leaving. This has been an unbelievable adventure, full of 'new'... new city, new people, new job, new tastes and new sights.

Lots of goodbyes today at work, I'm going to miss my GOGO girls. It was a day of eating. Cupcakes galore. I thought I'd surprise them with their favourite cupcakes (Crumbs), to say thanks for having me, and they did the same. Double up!

They then ordered my favourite cheese pizza for lunch. Introduced to me in my first week at GOGO and the single best plain cheese pizza I've ever had. I guess I haven't stopped raving about it. Who would of thought that no topping could be so tasty. And then to top it off (pardon the pun) I was spoilt with my fave choccies and Season 3 of Gossip Girl! My missing season! I've watched up to S2 but S4 is now airing here so I've been a bit confused and the girls at work have been filling in the blanks for me. Super sweet of them.

The gods must of known it was my last loooong bus ride home as we had a stellar run. In the city before 6.30pm, unheard of! And then, amidst the craziness of the bus terminal on Thanksgiving eve I saw my fave bus driver who pipes up with a "Hi Mel" and a chat. Awwww.

Off the bus, onto the subway, and I find myself helping some lost folk work out which train to catch. To which they end with "we'll just follow you, you look like you know where you're going." And there you have it folks, apparently I look like I know what I'm doing in the big smoke. Ha!

Being Thanksgiving and all... I must say that I'm very thankful for this amazing opportunity, the people that encouraged me to do it, my bf for being so damn supportive, my visitors, and all the 'new' things that have crossed my path along the way.

Happy Thanksgiving!