Wednesday, March 16, 2011


"Come celebrate with us and ring in the arrival of the warmer seasons.
We'll serve up tons of delicious food and pour flowing glasses of wine 
as you mingle with old friends and or perhaps make some new ones"

Oh, Apt4 Food and Wine, you had us at hello!  

This week was our first introduction to Supper Club, a NYC craze where folk create a food menu, incorporate matching wines, get a bunch of strangers together and find an apartment to host everyone. We paid our $65 dollars and walked to Tribeca in the blustering rain toward an address that had only been revealed to us a couple of days before. The apartment was magnificent! A huge space, with high ceilings, bold artwork and beautifully decorated. 

There was approx 60 people at our soiree. We met some cool people and enjoyed a pass around menu that included mexican fish rice paper rolls, creamy mushroom risotto, pork croquettes, antipasto platter (to name a few) and for dessert, an apple tart. YUM!!!!! 

Highlights of the evening include :
  • Bek enjoying a couple of glasses of Red (for the first time!)
  • Tim finding a new man friend 
  • Kate not climbing a ladder to the attic in the midst of the party after Tim tried to convince her it was the toilet.

Enjoying red wine.

Amazing space for a NYC apartment.

Apt 4 Chef and his delicious tarts.


After Supper, we took ourselves down to Mulberry Street Bar the dive bar across the street in Little Italy that has a jukebox & karaoke scene on certain nights of the week. (I must admit, we have walked past on a friday night sniggering at the talent this place attracts). The owner Jimmy was a legend however, and came and had a chat to us after his Frank Sinatra 'New York New York' performance. 

Jimmy singing Frank Sinatra.

Films shot on location at Mulberry Street Bar. Latest is a DeNiro film - Another Day. 


And while Bek and Tim went on their own romantic dates, Kate was trying to rustle up some of her own! She joined an on-line dating website (assisted by girlfriends, wine and cuddles from french bulldog Bailey.) Thanks to them, she had her first date lined up days later, with 5 more scheduled in the next week. ....Stay tuned!


  • No of jobs that Tim & Bek have applied for = 26
  • No of job interviews Tim & Bek have attended = 0 (Unfortunately getting spam from higher education & health insurance sales however...)
  • No of boys "of interest" to Kate = 3
  • No of dates for Kate = 1 (At laaast!)
  • No of days we hit the gym = 17
  • No of Personal Training sessions for Kate = 2
  • No of rad new bars we have visited = 3 (1 of those was to see our neighbour Ted's DJ gig. Super cool)
  • No of new friends we have made = 5 (Including 2 potential man friends for Timbo)