Monday, December 5, 2011


We call it Autumn, but here in the States the prettiest season of the year is called Fall.  Some say it’s because of the falling leaves and others believe it marks the time when the sun starts to hang lower in the sky.  I always thought it was cliched to ow and ah over the changing seasons, but that's probably because I hadn't seen it done right (sorry Brisbane it's not your fault that Summer dominates 75% of the year).

Central Park's duck pond

The leaves had started to turn orange and red
when we visited Philadelphia

It's not too hot and it's not too cold.  It's official, Fall is my favourite time of year and here are the top 3 reasons why:

Reason No.1: Halloween
"Eye of the Beholder" was this year's theme
at the Annual Village Halloween Parade

We represented our proud Aussie culture
by dressing as bread-thieving convicts. 

No.2 Reason: Thanksgiving
Carly, Bailey & I at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
(Tim was behind the lense)

The Koolaid guy (he's a jug of sugary goodness).
Oddly this soft-drink guzzling nation don't have cordial.
Instead they drink flavoured crystals dissolved in water.
Sponge Bob Squarepants (with a dislocated his elbow)

To infinity, Macy's & beyond with Buzz Lightyear

Paul Frank character, Julius made his first appearance at
this years Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade


Australia on 34th Street, Manhattan (I wish it was that easy)

Our traditional Thanksgiving dinner (at Jo's
Clockwise from the cranberry sauce: brussel sprouts, garlic & kale
stuffing, sweet potato mash, shredded turkey & turkey breast.

No.3 Reason: Pumpkin Infusions
Espresso + frothed milk + pumpkin + spice = ahhhhh

The sponge is dense and moist (thanks to the pumpkin)
and then topped with cream cheese frosting & walnuts

Texture is like flan or a baked cheesecake and the
base is biscuity and crunchy

Not the obvious choice for an ice-cream flavor,
but surprisingly delicious!

The pumpkin makes the traditional bitterness
of beer disappear

For a strictly limited time only! Broadway's smash hit returns to Australia.  You can see Tim Daley's one man show from December 2nd until December 20-ish.  Check Facebook for dates and venues.