Friday, December 30, 2011


Alas we didn't see any snow and being away from family was hard, but rest easy everyone because we still had a great Christmas!

Although we didn't leave the city, we did enjoy a mini-vacation from Chinatown.

This tree on the roof was the only sign of Christmas on our
street.  Apart from that it was business (and smells) as usual.

Thanks to Ma & Pa Pak we lived the high life for exactly 2.5 days in the Mariott Marquis.  When Mum mentioned the hotel was centrally located, she wasn't kidding! The entrance to the hotel was smack bam in the middle of Times Square on the corner of Broadway and 46th Streets.  

Times Square feels like the centre of the universe.

The space-shuttle like elevators whisk you
from floor to floor at stomach jumping speeds.

Greatest shower ever!  Look at the size of the shower head!
You could wash an elephant with this thing.

Before Tim went home for a pre-Christmas trip to Oz, he left me a little surprise.  My own mini Christmas tree.  This is actually the first real Christmas tree I have ever owned.  FYI.... real trees smell delicious!

Handmade owl ornament courtesy of
Anne, my crafty workmate

From the tiniest Christmas Tree in New York, to the grandest.  Meet the 2011 Rockefeller evergreen. 

This 74-foot, 75-year-old Norway Spruce was cut down
in Mifflintown, Pennsylvania.

Then was transported to the Rockefeller Center, where it was
decorated with 30,000 multi-colored, energy-efficient LED
Christmas lights strung over five miles of wire and topped with
a star containing 25,000 Swarovski crystals.

Whoever said Christmas isn't about giving is straight up crazy!  Never fear, Santa has a fantastic GPS system and never fails to locate us, despite our ever changing locations.  This year we were showered in clothes, jewellery, video games and concert tickets.

Look at all our prezzies!

 Gotye tickets from Mel and Jeff.

Ahhh, a sheepskin hat.  What else could a girl ask for?
Some eye cream me thinks.  Check out those dark circles!
Most terrifying zombie game on the market -
Dead Island, courtesy of Tim's secret santa, Julie.

Gorgeous silver cuff & new wallet from my secret santa, Miriam

I may not have gotten a White Christmas, but I did get a white dress. 

PS - What was the stylist thinking by pairing this dress
with riding boots?  I like me some boot action with a short
skirt but this looks like a barn yard mess.

Temperature plays a big part in the type of meal you eat at Christmas.  We kissed the cold seafood and chilled ham goodbye this year and enjoyed a hot dinner at Brasserie, a delicious french restaurant at the base of the Seagram Building (Canadian distillers) on East 53rd Street.

Designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the Seagram Building
stands 516 feet tall with 38 stories, and was completed in 1958. 
It is considered one of the finest examples of the functionalist
aesthetic and a masterpiece of corporate modernism.

Appetizer: We both had the scallops and brussel sprouts

Entrees: Tim enjoyed the duck and I devoured the lamb. 
Sadly my New York existence is highly lacking in lamb. 

Desserts: They changed the menu last minute. 
Tim had carrot cake (not listed) and I had the chocolate tart.

Big hugs and kisses to everyone for their Christmas messages, cards, presents and cheer!